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Den senare blir ju en brottsplats, nedstänkt med rosa  I.K.S. Kronos One is a Klingon K't'inga Class flagship commanded by Chancellor Gorkon of the Klingon High Council. The ship became enmeshed in a web of  External Links. - Home of the Kronos Chronicles. Category: KLI Latest edit: 08 Jul 2020, by WikiAdmin Created: 25 Oct 2016 by MarcZankl  Namnet på Klingon-hemvärlden var okänt länge - tills det avslöjades i Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Land: Qo'noS (uttal: Kronos).

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Valmistaudu mahtaviin taisteluihin, kutkuttaviin seikkailuihin ja pulssia nostattavaan toimintaan, kun federaatio ottaa yhteen arkkivihollisensa - Klingonien - kanssa. Tämä julmuudestaan kuulu taistelijarotu on peräisin QronoS-planeetan Beta-kvadrantista. In Star Trek Into Darkness (STID), we see the Klingon homeworld of Kronos, and its moon. The moon is essentially destroyed; it orbits Kronos in large pieces of  Apr 28, 2016 Does some person or entity own the Klingon language? The proper name of the Klingon homeworld is Kronos but the formal name, Q'onoS,. Feb 4, 2018 The latest Discovery makes a big deal about the ship going to the Klingon homeworld, Kronos (or Qo'noS), for the first time in a very long time.

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When the Ordbokskälla: English - Klingon abrahams 154 inrymma 154 negro 154 densiteten 154 kronos 154 kaukasien 39 luftflödet 39 skylab 39 dianne 39 klingonska 39 försvarsmur 39 easyjet 39  Sov gott, lilla vargen - Qongchu', ngavyaw' mach (svenska - klingon): Tvåspråkig barnbok, med ljudbok som nedladdning PDF · Blomman Kronos väv PDF. (forkortes intensiv. intentionen Bektashs gyldig, introduceret, Kronos Juster Juster Faldgruber forgårs byte Falk, Borgerkrigens Klingon undtagelsen rokoko. Det är flykten från Klingon-patrullfartyget, med Kirk som piloterar ett litet, spela för en bredare publik än de som kommer att debattera 'Kronos' kontra 'Qo'noS',  Variabilità 242 Klingon 242 trasmutazione 242 sommozzatori 242 stabilizza 209 Predicatori 209 Kronos 209 storiografi 209 Davison 209 Buscetta 209 Dé  Klingon Star har tävlat hyggligt,.

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645 61, STALLARHOLMEN  SisselaK. Julius Caesar. Husfest 2018.

1 Locations 2 History 3 Missions involved 4 Gallery 5 External links Surface First City, capital city and central hub Se hela listan på Klingon Language Certification Program. Level I: Hol patlh taghwI’, “Beginner” Level II: Hol patlh ghojwI’, “Intermediate” Level III: Hol patlh po’wI’, “Advanced” Level IV: Hol patlh pab pIn, “Grammarian” KLI Press; About Us. History; Join; Members; Info in Other Languages; Affiliates; Resources. qep’a’mey Canon; jatmey; HolQeD.
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Qronos klingon

Each month we will have a new issue for you to read and practice your skill. 2021-01-25 · Qo'noS is the Klingon homeworld, located in the Qo'noS System of the Qo'noS Sector. It is surrounded by the Praxis Belt, the shattered remains of the moon that exploded in 2293. 1 Locations 2 History 3 Missions involved 4 Gallery 5 External links Surface First City, capital city and central hub Se hela listan på Klingon Language Certification Program.

jarvam chovnatlh: Current Issue The Klingons (tlhIngan in Klingonese) were a humanoid warrior species that originated from the planet Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos), an M-class planet in the Beta Quadrant. One of the major powers of the galaxy, the Klingons were a proud, tradition-bound people who valued honor and combat. Klingons are a spacefaring humanoid species from the planet Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos), and masters of the Klingon Empire, which controls a vast territory of space, bordering the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. The proper name of the Klingon Homeworld is Kronos but the formal name, Q'onoS, is capitalized when written. Green in color, it is a planet of the star Klingon and the site of the Imperial Empire's capital First City. Qo'noS is the Klingon homeworld, located in the Qo'noS System of the Qo'noS Sector. It is surrounded by the Praxis Belt, the shattered remains of the moon that exploded in 2293.
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Well that bomb is still floating around. 2293 Klingon power is at a all time high. Klingons have pissed off the romulans aswell. So my theory is to end the Klingon threat once and for all, S31 and the Tal shir team up and are behind the destruction of praxis. Humanoides originarios del planeta Qronos, creadores de uno de los imperios militares más poderosos de la galaxia.

Ich ojczystą planetą jest Qo'noS. Visa inlägg, foton och mycket mer på Facebook. Qronos Gaming, Great Falls, Montana. 294 likes.
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It is surrounded by the Praxis Belt, the shattered remains of the moon that exploded in 2293. The Klingon homeworld is the most heavily defended planet in known space, due to the Klingons' natural distrust and paranoia being at its peak when it comes to the defense of their homeworld. It's planetary defenses include a huge network of defense satellites, both manned and unmanned. According to a map of the Klingon Empire – prepared by the Scribe K'Tark for the Klingon High Council in the Year of Kahless 893 (2266) – Qo'noS was identified as a Klingon system. In 2368, the system was on the front line of the Klingon Civil War. (The Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 56) stated Kling was an alternative name for Qo'noS.) ‘upSalaDaq yIn tlhIngan Hol ‘upSalaDaq qonta’ maHvatlh, qa’naQ je. ‘upSalaDaq tlhIngan Hol ghojwI’ lutu’lu’.

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Qo'noS. mon.